Weight 24 pounds 20%
Height 30 inches 25-50%
Harper is still such a sweet natured boy...toddler! He is now walking, talking, running, climbing, exploring, laughing, and pointing. We are loving this stage at the Heathcott house. He is such a JOY to be around, we can communicate with his baby babble and that makes it so much fun. Harper is right on track with 14 teeth including 4 molars. This makes it very easy to chew. He eats mostly finger foods....His favorites include: oatmeal, eggs, grapes, strawberries, cheerios, crackers, cheese, peas, fruit snacks, and whatever mama is eating!He does the "more" sign for more food and it's so cute! You can't tell him no when he asks so sweetly. That is why he has filled out!!

I feel like I play 20 questions with him all day. Where is your head, where is your belly button?? and so on! He will point to his head, belly button (and find yours too!), and eyes. Harper had to know 3 body parts at his 15 month check up, so he learned just enough to get by!

He has quite a vocabulary- hi, hey, mama, dada, Addy (my mom), dog (doh), off, light (ight), ball, book, cracker (crak-er), Baxter (ax-ter), uh- oh, thank you, ga-ga (milk), movie (moo-ie), ah ah ah (monkey sound), raaa (roars like a lion), moo (cow), no (na, na and shakes his head)
That is all I can think of right now.
He loves to wave bye bye and will do it on command. As soon as you put him in his push car, he starts waving, the neighbors especially love it. My favorite thing that he does is dance! This boy can boogie. He shakes his head up and down and bounces. It's so cute! All you have to do is turn on music or sing. The other day a random commercial came on and we got a show! It is soooo funny. My parents said he got this from me. Apparently I was quite the dancer when I was little. His latest trick is to get the remote, sit in his chair, and point to the tv and say "moo-ie." It's really cute, but he does this ALL the time! I try to not let him watch too much television, but he loves it! He really likes The Wiggles, this could be where he is getting all his moves!
Another one of the things he loves to do is throw away his diapers. After I change him, he takes the diaper and throws it way in the Diaper Genie. It was really cute when he was crawling, but now that he is walking it's not such a challenge. His favorite thing to do.......drum roll...... is turn the lights on and off!! We do this all day long! Not kidding! He says (light, light, light, off, off) until you pick him up and let him turn the light on or off. Then he gets really excited and claps and giggles. It is super cute, but after the 100th time you start to wonder how cute it really is. It's kind of embarassing too because if he spots a light switch in public he does the same thing, and it never fails the sweet person will say it's okay he can turn off the lights. So he does this everywhere, doctors office, hair salon, church, Michaels, Gold's Gym, car dealership, everywhere!!
So that pretty much sums up happy Harper at 15 months old. He's just the sweetest kiddo parents could ask for. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be able to stay home each day with him. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to be his mama, I am so blessed.