I feel like I should ask my parents to write this post since they have had Harper most of the month! I'm still in shock that he is SEVEN months old. I'm reminded of a poem that a friend of my moms gave me and how TRUE it is....
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow,
For babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep!
I am starting to realize how true that poem is.......babies don't keep! I miss my lumpy, dumpy newborn, now he is a wiggly, giggly boy! I really love this stage because he can do so much (except crawl!!) He can sit up, roll around, grab toys, kick, scoot, play peek a boo, and let me read to him. He laughs when I do something silly and giggles when you say BOO! He flirts with everyone we come in contact with and is just so happy! I can leave him for a minute and he's till relatively in the same place when I come back. If I leave something on the table during dinner he'll grab it. He wants everything and of course puts it in his mouth. We had our first spill at a restaurant, I know that is the first of many!

This past month Harper has started to eat fruits. He now gets fruits, veggies, and milk...a balanced meal! I'm supposed to start meat, but it just smells so darn bad! I think I might cheat and do the chicken with rice instead of each individual meat. Harper loves to eat, he hasn't missed a meal. I put some frozen blueberries in a strained spoon and he LOVED it, now he has a permanently stained purple bib! When I get out the jars of baby food or cereal he goes crazy. He starts grunting and kicking his legs. He is so excited when I put his bib on and put him in his high chair. He is still a toothless wonder. I knew for sure that he was getting a tooth because of his drool.....it seriously floods.....but to my surprise it was an ear infection. He has been such a healthy little guy, but this month he got his first ear infection. I never had problems with my ears when I was a baby, but Cam had tubes. So we're about to find out whose genes he got!
Harper's favorite things to do this month consist of playing with Baxter (what cheap entertainment!), swinging at the park, playing with his fisher price stage, taking a bath, being held, watching Praise Baby, being lifted high in the air, and listening to Mama sing. (I only sing for Harper) His least favorite things are diaper changes and eating meat.
Harper is still a great night time sleeper. We had a few nights, mostly when we got back from New Zealand, where he wouldn't sleep. That's when we found out he had an ear infection so we'll excuse those 2 LONG nights! He goes to sleep around 7:35 and wakes up between 7:30 and 8:00. I've gotten pretty accustomed to him sleeping in so I sleep in too. I need to not be so lazy! Harper has now mastered putting his paci back in his mouth. This works out great for the middle of the night. He often rolls around so much at night that his paci is no where near him, which poses a problem! I never know what position I will find him in when he wakes up in the morning.
We are about to move and I know is going to start crawling as soon as we move. I haven't bothered to baby proof this house, but I must starting thinking about the new house. I'm getting sad thinking about all the memories we've made in this home. I love Harper's nursery and I'll be sad to leave it. I hope the next people will enjoy it as much as we do.
So goodbye six months, hello seven months! I can't even imagine how much he is going to change over this next month!