It's already June 14th, so that means that my sweet little Harper is 10 months old. And I am starting to come to terms with the fact that my baby is growing up whether I like it or not!
Thunder Thighs!
Harper remains a happy, healthy (just look at his thighs), and easy baby. He loves everyone and anything he comes in contact with. This month he has become really mobile.......he will not sit still! This baby is on the move! He's not exactly crawling, just scooting, rocking, and pulling up. He got his first "boo-boo" last week. He was playing in the kitchen while I was cooking dinner and he tried to pull up on the cabinets and he crashed on the tile floor. He now has a bruise on his forehead. Usually he is pretty cautious (he gets that from his daddy), but now that he is pulling up, he has no fear.

I love my new duck tub!
Our days of eating baby food are winding down. Harper prefers "table food," but I usually feed him a little of both. He had his first kid's meal at Chick-fil-a this month, he devoured it! I took the breading off of the chicken and sliced up the fruit cup. He really enjoyed that! It felt so weird not feeding him any baby food! He likes real green beans now, but not the baby food kind. I can't blame him, they smell awful! We've started alternating yo baby yogurt, rice cereal, and oatmeal for breakfast. He likes it all! He's rather picky about texture, he spits out watermelon, strawberries, and bananas. I really thought that he'd like fruit best because it is so sweet. He prefers chicken, sliced cheese, black beans, sweet potatos, squash, zuccini, corn, bread, and crackers. I have to give him pieces of food one at a time because he has no self-control. He stuffs everything in his mouth instantly! I have started to work on the sign for "more" but he hasn't done it yet.
Harper still sleeps a whole lot. He takes two naps usually for an hour and a half or two hours. He sleeps about 12 hours at night, from 7:30-7:30. Sometimes I think this is too much sleep, but he's definitely tired when I put him down. He sleeps with a sound machine, but I've recently switched from the heartbeat to white noise. Harper's room is right next to ours so I think he can hear Cam's alarm clock in the morning. I'm not always ready to wake up that early! Harper has falling to sleep down, he gets his paci and lamb and goes right to sleep usually. Sometimes he'll play for a few minutes, but he winds down pretty quickly. He can pull up and stand in his crib so we have lowered his crib this month. I love walking in after naptime to see my sweet baby standing up with his arms reaching out for mama!

I thought for sure Harper would be crawling by now or maybe even walking, but he is content just cruising around the furniture or scooting! He is starting to get into things. Although he is not completely mobile he still knows how to scoot into danger before I can scoop him up. Today he tried to eat a handful of Baxter's dog food! yuck! His favorite toys this month include the Leap Frog Musical Play Gym (fav), blocks, playskool homerun derby, fisher price stage, bouncy balls, and anything that he is forbidden to play with! I have tried to say, "no" when Harper grabs things that are dangerous. He starts to cry everytime, I guess I need to lighten up on my tone of voice! I swatted his hand very gently when he was grabbing my plate at a restaurant and he did not like that! I need to read up on discipline!

I love playing catch with Grammy!
Harper is jibber jabbering more than ever. I really can't decode any of it, but I know he is excited a lot by his tone of voice! He gets very loud when he gets going! He currently says dada, duck (duh), and dog (da). I'm still waiting for him to say mama! I thought for sure he would say it on Father's Day since he said 'dada' on Mother's day, but that didn't happen.

So big!
He is waving hi and bye bye to everyone and everything. He reaches out his hand when he sees something he likes and waves to it too. It's really cute! He now does the classic "so big." He reaches out both arms in the air making a fist! Sometimes he forgets to do both hands and he does just one. He looks like he's saying "power to the people."
I met my buddy charlie this month too!
Well I'm sure I am forgetting so much that happened this month, but once again we are so thankful for this sweet, sweet, baby boy!