Harper had such a great 2nd Christmas! To start off, Christmas Eve morning we went to the Heathcott's for breakfast to meet their former exchange student from Brazil. Cam and Casey were in high school when Mateus lived with them through the Rotary Exchange Program. Mateus got married this year to Ilka. They brought their wedding video to show us and it was extravagant to say the least. They really know how to have a party in Brazil! Mat and Ilka are both attorneys in their country and their businesses shut down for 2 weeks over the holidays!! Must be nice. This was their first time to the United States since they were in high school. Hopefully we'll be making a trip to Brazil to visit them soon!

Casey, Ilka, Mat, Cam, Harper, & Allyson

Harper really liked Mat!

The boys
After a delicious breakfast we packed up and headed to Kingwood to go to church with my mom. My dad had to miss the Christmas Eve service to pick up my sister at the airport. Harper was so good during the service. He sat quietly on Addy's lap the entire time and enjoyed dancing to the Christmas music. He loved when they dimmed the lights and everyone lit a candle. He loves lights!
*5 years ago Cam and I got engaged on Christmas Eve, so every year we take a picture by the church Christmas tree like we did when we got engaged!

This is what happens when you take him away from Addy for a quick pic!
After a delicious dinner at Pappasitos it was off to bed for Harper because Santa had some work to do. Santa brought Harper a firehouse tent but his elves had no idea how big it was!! That's what happens when you order things from ebay. oops...silly elves.