Happy Valentine's Day! Today is Harper's half birthday as well!! We celebrated with a heart cupcake. I haven't posted in so long, so it's time to update all that Harper is up to these days.
For starters, he's completely potty trained! We started around September 09 and by the end of January he was doing all business in the potty! I am so proud! We still use pull-ups for naps and bedtime, but that is all. We chose not to use pull-ups at all during potty training, and I totally recommend using training pants instead.
Most of our days consist of playing Caribou Island. On the average, we play 12 times a day, probably more! He is obsessed with this board game. It has been a great game for conversation with the little guy. When we are not playing Caribou he is "working hard" with his Handy Mandy tools, playing chase, snacking on a "cheese stick and vitamin," playing play-doh, playing an instrument, or watching Merry Madagascar. It has been so cold and rainy lately, so we spend most days indoor. On the rare chance that it is pretty outside, we play stomp rocket, washers, golf, baseball, ride bikes, and pick weeds. 

Harper is still a really happy kiddo. He listens pretty well for a 2 year old. He is a people pleaser so he minds really well. He usually gets in trouble for kicking or throwing his toys. In fact, when I picked him up from Sunday School he was in time out!! He had kicked a toy! He is ALL BOY and loves to kick and throw anything, including cups, food, dice, and play-doh! We are working on the appropriate things to throw and when!
On Tuesdays and Thursdays Harper goes to Mother's Day Out. He loves going to "skool!" I wasn't really sure if he or I was ready to go to school, but he loves it! It's been a great experience. He loves Ms. Robin and Ms. Laurie so much. I am thankful for all the sweet friends in his class.
Harper is quite a talker these days. He will repeat, ANYTHING, but usually in the appropriate situations. He cracks me up all day long! I hear this all day... are "I need a mooch," "Wanna play this," "What doin Mommy." It's so cute, I love our conversations.
Well once again, we are so blessed to have a happy and healthy two and a half year old! Where does the time go?