Last Sunday, The Heathcott family along with the Matthew, Dupuis, Holcomb, and Webb family dedicated ourselves to raise our children in a christian home. It was a very important day for us because Cam and I were both raised in a Christian home and eagerly want to teach Harper what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Cam was dedicated at First Baptist Conroe twenty something years ago, so it really special to dedicate Harper at the same church. Our friends and family came to witness this special event.
Harper did pretty well during the service. It was susposed to be his nap time but I fed him right before church started so he'd be awake. He was awake but somehow between Sunday School and Church we lost his paci. He only likes a certain kind of paci and I didn't have a back up. I was frantically searching for it, and could only find the kind he wouldn't take. He looked out at the congregation while Cam held him. He spit out the unlikeable paci several times! After we sat back down and sweet man came up during the greeting and asked if we had lost a paci! That's all it took for Harper to sleep quietly through the rest of the service.
After many pictures with our friends, we treated our family and friends to Steak & Ale. Harper wanted nothing but to be in his own bed. He was pretty exhausted from the busy day and so were his parents!!

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