Is Harper really 5 months old?? Oh my! My sweet little baby is growing up so fast! We did not go to the doctor this month, so I don't have his stats. I think he's a little over 14 pounds. He's been in the tenth percentile for weight every visit so I'm guessing that hasn't changed. This month he will start vegetables. I haven't started them yet because we are going to Oklahoma for a couple of days and I think it would be a lot of work to start something new while out of town. He eats rice cereal twice a day and nurses five times a day. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to start weaning him this month because we're leaving him when we go to New Zealand in February :( I would totally do it for a year if I could.

This past month has been the most fun.....so far! Harper is starting to get such a personality. He smiles from across the room and watches everything I do. He talks and screeches at everything. Hiss favorite sound to make is gooo! He especially loves to make that sound at his daddy and Baxter....He loves Baxter! In the past, he hasn't noticed him, but now he loves to grab his hair and just stare at him.

This month he is also much more interested in his toys. I no longer have to "play" with the toys, he has learned to manipulate them. He hits the buttons on the exersaucer and spins the wheels. Harper can also kind of sit up on his own too! Sometimes he gets a little distracted and does a nose dive into the floor! He use to love his bouncy seat, swing, and play mat, but now he'd rather lay/sit on the floor and play. Sometimes he just wants to explore my face and grab my hair. He still fits in his carseat, but is much less fond of it after our roadtrip to Colorado! I love to sit him in the stroller without the carseat and watch him smile at everyone we see!

This month Harper started teething. I don't actually see anything white, but his gums are swollen in 2 places. He loves to chew on his paci and hands.....actually anything that fits in his mouth! I'm not ready for him to get teeth! He's going to be asking for Mc Donalds before too long! This was also the month that he got his first cold :( I thought since I was nursing that it wouldn't happen until much later, but I was wrong. It lasted for about 10 days and it was so sad to see him not feeling well.
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