I'm going to try to be brief but there is just so much I want to say about this milestone. Six months just seems to be so important, it's the magic number, like turning 18 or 21! I'm going to attempt to recap this past month.......

I always say that I see a huge change month to month........but this month takes the cake. Harper can now officially sit up! No more face planting into a pile of toys. He can sit up on his own...Which works out really nicely for pictures! He can also sit up in the bath tub and play with his toys. It is so fun to watch him splash and chew on rubber ducky. He is in LOVE with Baxter, all I have to say is bbbaaaxxxttterrr and Harper grins ear to hear. He enjoys watching Bax whenever he's on his tummy, but as soon has Harper is out of sight, he's on his back. (Harper hates to be on his tummy......that's my fault, I used the bouncey chair too much!)

This week Harper put his hands straight up in the air to be picked up. Wow! Talk about the warm and fuzzies. Cam was conveniently out of town so he missed this 'first.' :( I was one proud mama! This week we also gave him a sippy cup of water. We are practicing using a cup, he doesn't quite have the hang of it. He has to suck and he would rather chew on the spout. Speaking of chewing, no teeth yet! We are anxiously waiting, I don't know how much longer he will "teeth" with no teeth!

Harper has definitely grown! I can't wait to see if he is still in the tenth percentile. I'm thinking he's moved up to the 30th. He has filled out all over and now has some serious thunder thighs..thanks to the cereal, formula, and vegetables. He still wears a size 1-2 diaper, but any day he could move up to a 2. He is in between sizes in clothes, he mostly wears 3 months......that's why I think he's not in the 50th percentile yet. He's just got some short little legs :) His hair is growing, but don't worry he still has a baby mullet! As Aunt Rachel says he has "duck fuzz hair!"
------------So Happy Half Birthday baby Harper!!
I love it! Harper is seriously ADORABLE!! We will be in TW next week ... I think we're coming on Tuesday. Hopefully I can meet that handsome man! HAPPY SIX MONTHS (and Valentine's Day), HARPER!!
He's growing up so fast :)
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