A lot has been going on in the Heathcott Family with the biggest change being our move to Montgomery! We are so happy to be here and God has truly blessed us with a wonderful new home. Harper has made the transition quite well. He didn't skip a beat during the entire move. Since we've moved I've tried to spend a lot of time outside. Our neighborhood is full of kids so we try to get out and be social. So far Harper's favorite things to do outside are....swing on the deck, joyride in the golf cart, go to the April Sound Park, swim in Cooper's baby pool, and ride in his wagon. It has been really hot lately so we try to go later in the day. I can't even imagine what this summer is going to be like!

Speaking of Harper's sweet voice.....He said his first word this month.......and we were not even there to hear it! Harper went to visit his Grammy and Poppy for a couple of days while we got unpacked and he got smarter! He started saying "hi dada!" Grammy called and let us hear him talk over the phone and I think our hearts melted. I can't believe we weren't there to witness this huge milestone! No worries, because he says it all the time! His first words were on Mother's Day and that made for the best present ever! Maybe he'll say "mama" on Father's Day. I guess he has his holidays mixed up :)

This month Harper began to get separation anxiety. He wants his MAMA! If I put him down and leave the room, he starts to cry. He is okay for me to leave him at the nursery at church or at the gym, but he does not want to play by himself! Which makes it pretty difficult to get dressed, eat, or unpack! He has also started to wave and give fives this month. It is so cool to see him respond to people. He loves to give fives and then watch how excited we get! He won't wave on command, but he'll wave his little fingers at himself! It's so precious to see him work his fingers.

Harper still loves to play! His new favorite toys are bouncy balls. He'll get so excited and squeal when you bounce a ball. I have a huge medicine ball and he loves to kick it and watch it bounce. This baby might play soccer rather than golf when he gets older. He also loves to play in the johnny jump up. He has discovered how to swing and jump. He is enamored with anything shiny or electronic. He likes remote controls, computers, cell phones, cameras, ipods, and alarm clocks! This is one techie baby!
Well Harper continues to be a healthy, happy, and heart warming little guy. I can't express what it is like to be his mommy! I'm living the good life!
Here are his 9 month stats:
weight 18 lbs 14 oz 25%
height 27 1/8 in 2o%
head 17 1/2 in 25%
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