Happy Birthday Harper!
Harper had a ONEderful day! Let me tell you all about it! Cam and I heard the little birthday boy on the monitor around 7:30. As soon as we saw him we started in on the birthday song and he had the biggest grin on his face! I honestly thought it might scare him, I've seen lots of babies cry when that song is sung!

Harper started his special day with a scrumptious breakfast. He had his usual bottle (I'm still trying to finish my last can of formula before I start cow's milk and sippy cups) and then a whole grain Eggo waffle with frozen banana chunks! Yummy! He loved it! Notice the picture below:) He liked it so much that he stuffed a huge piece in his mouth and started to choke! Cam of course was the one to notice and hit him on the back to save my poor little guy.

After all that excitement we played and opened a few presents. Harper got lots of "musical" presents from our cousins in Oklahoma. Maybe he'll take after his dad and be a little more musical than his mama!

It wouldn't be a special day without a photo shoot. So went out to the yard and took some twelve month pictures. I tried to snap a picture with his birthday hat on, but I'm not fast enough!

At this point Harper was already exhausted so he took a snooze to gear up for the rest of his afternoon. I took this opportunity to shower and relax for the big day. When Harper woke up, Poppy, Grammy "Addy", and Aunt Heather had arrived. The party had begun! He opened his presents...Fridge DJ, baby gap clothes, a remote control car, a rocking horse, books, and a kids table and chairs.

He was thrilled! He kept going from one toy to the next! He rode "Able," his horse for about 15 minutes. It was SO cute, he put his hands in the air......looked like a real cowboy trying to stay on for 8 seconds!! He was bouncing so fast that he actually bounced across the den! Able is officially "broken" in. Well after 2 hours of excitement and constant singing, Harper was exhausted so he took another nap. Heather and I went shopping and picked up some last minute goodies for the big party on Saturday, while my parents stayed at the house. It is so nice to be able to just run errands!
For Harper's Birthday Dinner we chose Incredible Pizza....any son of Cam's is destined to LOVE pizza! BearPaw and Cha Cha met us there to celebrate with the birthday boy. Harper had a bite of pizza but he started to choke (again!) so we decided to stick to pasta, green bears, and applesauce! For dessert he had some ice cream and a few bites of a cinnamon roll. He was screaming for more! Incredible Pizza has a kids room so we thought it'd be fun to let him play. He rode a carousal, train, horse, and a helicopter. He looked so scared! He didn't know what to do with his hands. He clinched his fists the entire time and had a puzzled look on his face. He actually started crying on the helicopter so we ended the ride early. I think he enjoyed looking at all the lights and people watching most.

Back at the house, we let Harper stay up late so he could celebrate with his buddies Gentry and Cooper. They came over for sugar-free popsicles. We put the boys in the baby pool and they devoured their popsicles. Then we hosed them off and tucked out little one year old into bed. What a ONEderful day!

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