(we had to throw our posters away :(....no posters aloud!)
Last night I attended the
NKOTB concert! It was
awesome! A group of seven
NKOTB groupies and I hired Montgomery Country Limousine Service to drive us down to the Toyota Center for the concert. We have been preparing for this event all week! We made shirts, posters, and dug up lots of
NKOTB flare in honor of the night. I felt like it was 1988. A couple of the girls even went to the Toyota Center in the morning with "Let Us Back Stage" posters hoping to win back stage passes. No luck....so they went and got coffee at the Four Seasons and ended up seeing Lady Gaga!

When we arrived at the concert it was quite hilarious to see to see ALL the groupies! We thought we might stick out with all of our gear, but we blended right in. I would say at least 50% of the people there were wearing vintage NKOTB gear! It was greatness! I even saw a girl with stirrup pants! The majority of the people were 25-35 year old woman (probably moms, like us!) and the 5% of guys that were there had to be gay!
The guys sang for 2 hours straight...and danced the entire time! It was so cool because you knew every word to every song! Our row stood up through the concerts entirety. After the 2
nd song my friend Ashley leaned over and said she had already
sweat ed out her deodorant! One too many overhead claps! Best concert ever! I love NKOTB!