Harper turned ONE on August 14th and we finally had his one year pictures made...just 2 months late! We actually tried to get these taken many times, but Hurricane Gustav and Hurricane Ike both interrupted our photo dates! Apparently I can bring on the rain! Jamie Kutter took Harper's pictures and once AGAIN, did a bang up job!! Her camera is magic! We had 2 photo sessions the first one Harper screamed the entire time. He threw his head back and showed us that he is indeed a spirited child :) We had never seen this side of him, so we were so glad to share this experience with our photographer! Thank goodness she is a friend!!
Here are the rest of the pics

Photo Session #1 Look how much he has changed in one month!

Great pictures! I want one :) Let me know if I can order one from Jamie. I need to update the pics at my house. All of the babies are growing up too fast.
Precious!!! We need to get together with the little boys!!!
Too cute! He is getting so big! We definitely need to get the boys together, soon.
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