Shoo= shoe
A*#= ice
Wawa= water
dee= deer
Gigi= Gentry
dee= deer
Gigi= Gentry
up= up
up= up
Cash= crash
Trash = trash
D-iper= diaper
Go= go
Ba= paci
Juuice= juice
Cup= up
Am-nah= amen
Eye= eye
Buh bye= bye bye
Papa= Poppy
Pease= please
Boon= baloon
Barper= Harper
Tee= TV
That is all I can think of right now. He says those words on a regular basis. He has started to copy what we say....that is how we got him to say Amen! He will usually try to say anything you ask him. I love hearing him talk!
He understands way more than I ever thought he could. I like to quiz him and ask him to point to all of the facial features (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, belly button) and body parts (hand, foot, tummy) He is able to look at different family members in pictures and correctly identify them. He also likes to kiss the picture as I say each one....too cute!
He is way less interest in TV lately. I think he got an overdose when he was sick last month. He still asks to watch a movie, but he will not watch it. It just intrigues him to watch the TV turn on. I bought a Leapster Letter Factory video thinking that maybe if it is on while he plays he might pick up on a few letters and their sounds.
Harper has started to be a little stinker! We've had to implement time out. When he does something he knows he is not supposed to do (bang on the computer, take out the wall plugs (yes the safety ones!), throw his food, color on the floor) we give him a warning and if he keeps on doing it I put him in his crib for a minute and a half. A friend suggested to put him in his crib, one minute for each year. I'm not sure how I feel about using his crib for discipline but it's working for now. I think he has done really well with it though. Many of the no-nos he used to do, he has learned not to do. Occasionally he will look me right in the eye and do a no-no. If I ignore the behavior he quits. Already a little red-headed attitude!
Other things Harper loves: praying, climbing, music, dancing, coloring, riding in his car, getting golf lessons from Dada, joyriding in the golf cart, playing chase, running away from mama, baloons, playing in the tent, Ketchup, blueberries, Addy, Cha Cha

Things Harper does not love: diaper changes, being confined in his car seat, sitting in grocery carts, going to time out, vegetables, morning naps, having his hands and face cleaned
Other cute things Harper does: gives hugs and kisses, bows his head and holds his hands to pray, says amen after the Lords Prayer each night, comes and sits in your lap for no reason at all, grape face (when you say the word grape, he makes a hilarious face),
Favorite Toys- ball popper, plastic food, shape sorter, golf club, balls, Fridge DJ
What a great post! And great pictures - I can just imagine his little personality from his pictures. He is adorable!
I caught an episode of Super Nanny, and she uses the bottom stair for time outs. If you don't have stairs, she says a neutral spot in a chair is fine. I use the fireplace ledge for Annabelle, and will be switching Adeline. The challenge, of course, will be keeping them in the time out area for the duration of the punishment!!!!
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