I needed to make a dessert for a lunch that Cam was hosting. I decided to have Harper help me. I thought brownies would be simple and a good start for Harper. I'm not really sure if boys should wear aprons, but oh well he wore one anyway! He was so excited to stand on the stool and watch me crack the eggs, pour the oil, and add water. I showed him how to stir and the rest is history. He stirred the brownies for 10 minutes!! I would try to take the bowl away to pour it into the pan, but he would firmly say, "NO!" I finally got the bowl away when I showed him how to lick the spatula! So now he says cooking every time we come into the kitchen!

The final product!

OH MY GOSH Alyson!! He is so big! and has changed so much! He doesn't even look like the same boy! He is precious! I can't wait to see him in August! Thanks for letting me in!!
Hey, that's the apron I made and the spatula I gave you, so I am super excited you put both to good use! Looks like a lot of fun and brownies sound yummy...
It sure it! Bet you didn't think Harper would be wearing it! ha ha
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