Saturday, September 15, 2007


Yesterday was my 27th birthday and Harper's one month birthday! Harper gave me the best birthday present by sleeping through the night once again!! I actually had a dream lastnight, something that I have been deprived of for the last month!

Well Harper had his first (and favorite) babysitter lastnight......Aunt Jules!! Cam had planned an evening out for my birthday so Aunt Jules volunteered to babysit. I carefully wrote out instructions and showed Julie where to find the important items... or so I thought.....I was sure I had covered the basis, but at dinner I realized I had forgotten to tell her to warm up his bottle! Oops! I was praying he didn't get a brain freeze. I made it the whole night without calling to check on the little guy! I did call on the way home to let Julie know we were on our way, but I was so proud I made it that long!

When we got home Harper was sound asleep! Julie said he was a good baby and then told us about the golden shower she got! I forgot to leave out the pee pee teepees! So Harper showed her what little boys are capable of! He tinkled all over himself, a burp cloth, swaddler, onesie and Aunt Jules!
Aunt Jules with all the laundry!

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