Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Favorite Things

Okay so Oprah has a show dedicated to her favorite things, so I'm going to have a blog post about my favorite things! I have several pregnant friends and they asked me what they needed to get for their babies. When I was registering for baby items I had no idea what to register for. I asked my girlfriends what they recommended, but we were all first time moms around the same time and had no idea. Here are some things that I love and couldn't make it with out.

-A video monitor-mine is by Summer, it's awesome! I can look at sweet Harper sleep and know when the paci fell out, if the blanket is on his face, or if he is waking up happy. A must have!!
-Mam pacifiers-the only kind of paci harper likes, and all of his friends use them too...weird!
-A paci clip-Harper is always dropping his paci, with a paci clip it stays off the dirty floor.
-ebay - I buy so many NWT smocked outfits on ebay, great deals.
rain forest bouncer- this is great when they are newborns without the toy bar, and then around 2-3 months they are entertained for hours with the toy bar!
Medela shields-the easiest and most comfortable way to nurse
Boppy pillow- an easy way to nurse, and great to prop up a baby for special time

There are so many great things out there for babies! It's a wonderful thing to have wonderful products to take care of sweet baby Harper

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