Sunday, May 10, 2009

Things that make you say, hmmm

Harper has been really interested in the potty lately. Every time he walks into a bathroom he says tee-tee. He loves to flush the toilet and watch the water go bye-bye. I'm not sure if he is ready to be potty trained or just has a fascination with the potty. Lately, he pulls at his diaper and says tee-tee. The other day he walked into the kitchen and said, poo-poo. So I said, "Good boy lets go change your diaper." I picked him up and could feel his little bum.....sans diaper!! I immediately started looking for brown all over my couch! Fortunately, he had just taken off his dirty diaper and left it in the middle of the floor! So does this mean he is ready to start potty training? I have no idea where to begin! I feel like he is too young, especially for a boy!

I went to the store and bought a potty, but so far nothing. He loves to sit on it, but only for 15 seconds or so! Help!


Lisa said...

He's showing major signs of readiness. So exciting! Is he waking up from naps dry? Does he fill his diaper with tee tee shortly after waking? These are other signs to watch for. Adeline is doing some of the same things, but luckily she hasn't figured out how to take her diaper off yet! She will only sit on her potty if I sit in there with her and read a book. She's not done any pee or poop in there yet. Joslyn Hallbauers boys were all trained at 2, so it can happen, but the rule of thumb I've heard for boys is the summer they are 3. Have fun!

Allyson, Cam, and Harper said...

Thanks Lisa! Maybe I will try reading him a book. Anything to sit still:)